Install CAT studio

OK, CAT seems cool. What do I do to start using it?

First - what do I get if I follow this?

The simplest way to explore CAT is installing CAT Studio from Microsoft Store. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install it and create a fully working project with a few sample tests on dummy CSV data:

CAT Studio with exmple tests, some of them failing CAT Studio with a sample project loaded.

You will be able to explore the sample tests and run them. It will give you a rough idea what CAT can check for you on your real data. (The sample project works with CSV files, but CAT supports many providers).

What do I need to follow?

You need only Microsoft Windows 10 or 11. And 10 or 11 minutes of your time.

On the other hand - what do you not need?

  • You do NOT need admin permissions
  • You do NOT need any license (CAT is for free when used in an interactive way, even for corporates, even for production data)
  • You do NOT need to connect to your data (sample data is provided)

Install Prerequisites

CAT Studio has two prerequisites you need to install. Chances are good you already have them, because they are very common.

Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Go to this Microsoft webpage: Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version

Download and install “X64” version:

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable web download link

If you get a dialog with “Repair”, “Uninstall” and “Close” buttons, just close it - you already have this prerequisite. Otherwise install it (next, next, next…).

Install .NET Desktop Runtime

This is also a prerequisite, but if you don’t have it, you’ll be conveniently prompted and you’ll be offered a download link during CAT’s installation (see below).

Install CAT Studio from the Microsoft Store

Find Microsoft Store in your MS Windows start menu:

Microsoft Store icon in MS Windows start menu

In the Microsoft Store app, search for CAT Studio (be sure to search for CAT Studio, NOT only CAT). Click on Get button and install it:

CAT Studio in Microsoft Store

If you don’t have any other .NET applications installed on your system, you’ll also need to download .NET desktop runtime:

.NET desktop runtime

Just launch the downloaded installer and follow the instructions, installation of the runtime takes a few seconds.

.NET desktop runtime installer binary .NET desktop runtime installer

Run CAT Studio

From now on, CAT Studio is on your machine and you can start it from your Start menu:

CAT Studio in MS Windows Start menu

When you start CAT Studio, it looks like this:

CAT Studio intro screen

What Next?

OK, you have CAT Studio. In the next step, create a sample project and explore it.