Sets Match - Error Message

Structure of Error Message for SetsMatch Expectation.

The sets match is by far the most used expectation. Error message contains:

  • summary (do the sets match or not, how many errors were found)
  • error rows (with values, can be turned off)
  • info whether the displayed rows are complete or incomplete



The sets do NOT match. 5 differences found.

Error Rows

If MaximumErrorsLogged is 0, you get this message:

MaximumErrorsLogged is set to 0. Data related to the found problem is intentionally missing here.
Raise the MaximumErrorsLogged to 1 or higher, if security and compliance rules allow you to have data in logs.

Otherwise, you get a table with rows that caused the test to fail:

│ !  │    │125156  │044468502       │17  │Female │93           │3           │1            │Pole        │XXX480481     │8/15/2023 2:15:03 PM │
│ !  │    │662636  │I49555994       │36  │Female │176          │3           │1            │Other       │XXX830110     │8/15/2023 2:15:24 PM │
│    │ !  │662636  │I49555994       │36  │Male   │175          │3           │1            │Other       │XXX830110     │8/15/2023 2:15:24 PM │
│ !  │    │1779187 │A16052548       │24  │Female │78           │3           │2            │Czech       │XXX513423     │8/15/2023 2:16:08 PM │
│    │ !  │1868884 │740629805       │60  │Male   │99           │3           │1            │German      │XXX823782     │8/15/2023 2:16:11 PM │

If the tabe is to wide and it is not ledgible in your console, use text log files to examine logs. By default, CAT logs to Logs directory right next to your project file.

By default, CAT can only recognize rows missing in the first set or missing in the second set. If you want CAT to report also different rows, you need to provide a Key.

Complete or Incomplete

CAT does NOT compare the sets completelly by default. This is managed using Maximum Errors Logged setting.

Based on that, you can either get

The scan was not complete. There may be also other errors. Raise MaximumErrorsLogged setting if necessary.

This means, CAT did NOT compared the sets till the end.

Other messsage you may get is:

CAT scanned both sets completely - there are no other differences.

In this case, you can be sure there are no other differences (if the data did not change since the test was run).