Output Formats

What format of test results CAT offers out-of-the-box?

CAT can produce outputs in these formats:

Output Suitable for Saved
json further automation using your favourite scripting language at the end
xlsx sharing test results with business users or developers at the end
junit visualization of results in automation pipelines (Azure DevOps, GitLab, …) at the end
trx visualization of results in automation pipelines (Azure DevOps, …) at the end
yaml further automation, troubleshooting at the end
sqlserver visualize tests results in your reporting platform after each test
oracle visualize tests results in your reporting platform after each test

Because CAT test are usualy run in multiple threads, the “file” otputs are generetad after all the tests are executed. The database outputs on the other hand insert a row about a finished test immediately after the test is executed. Take this into consideration if you have long running test suites - with database based outputs you will have at least some results i case you e.g., need to kill the process.