Set RowCount

You expect the query returned exactly specified number of rows.


You might for example expect your table contains data of all your 5 departments. To verify that:

- Test Name:          data of all departments are present
  Test Suite:         data quality checks
  Data Source:        HR
  Query:              SELECT DISTINCT departnemt_id FROM work_records
  Expectation:        set rowcount
  Expected Row Count:  5

You can also specify the expected row count in the Second Query property. This is especially useful when you load data from a relational database table and you don’t want to have too many columns specific to some expectations. So this syntax would be also valid:

- Test Name:          data of all departments are present
  Test Suite:         data quality checks
  First Data Source:  HR
  First Query:        SELECT DISTINCT departnemt_id FROM work_records
  Second Query:       5
  Expectation:        set rowcount


If you specify both Second Query and Expected Row Count, CAT will get confused and the result will be Error.

If the number of rows returned by the query is exactly the same as expected, the result will be Passed.

If the number of rows returned by the query is different, the resutl will be Failed.