What next?

If you followed our tutorials and automated your first test(s), you may wonder what to do next.

If you have your first test automated, contratulations! You may re-run it with a single click of button / single command, which will quickly become addictive. If you like that feeling, continue exploring CAT, because there is much more.

Explore more examples

We are preparing a much bigger sample project, with many tests - it will give you better idea what the tests may look like in a real-life project. The template for it will be soon available online - stay tuned.

Learn basics of CAT

  • Start with learning basics.

  • Lear other types of expectations, especially sets match.

  • If you have data in more different systems, add more data sources to your configuration. Check supported providers.


Learn about Outputs - CAT can generate files with test results in many formats, including MS Excel. It can also stream the test results to your relational database table/procedure. The configuration is super-simple. You can have many outputs defined in a single CAT project.


If you use Azure DevOps, GitLab, GitHub Actions or similar system, you may want integrate CAT tests into your pipelines. It is about running a few commands only. If you don’t use any of those, no problem.


Did you know:

  • CAT can generate test from metadata?

  • CAT can run tests in more threads? (and the configuration is, as expected, simple: just add Threads: 4 to your project file)

  • You can have hierarchy of tests (Test suite -> Test case -> Test)…

  • You can load test definitions from MS Excel files, from database tables, return them from a stored procedure - CAT is highly configurable and can take definitions from anywhere.

  • If you load tests from more sources? More files, tables, MS Excel sheets, procedures

Don’t stop here, explore the full potential CAT offers you.