Get CAT License

Please consider buying CAT - help us to develop the product.

Why You Should Consider Buying CAT

We have two paid options - Business plan and Enterprise plan - Personal plan can be used for free.

When you go for a paid option, you get some advantages:

  1. For the period when your license is valid, CAT will work for you either without any limits (in Enterprise plan) or with more generous limits (Business plan).
CAT Limit
Personal plan 300 tests in a single run
Business plan 600 tests in a single run
Enterprise plan unlimited
  1. You can run CAT in autonomous (non-interactive) mode.

  2. You can use multithreading for running tests.

  3. When you buy a license, you will also support the development of the product - adding new features etc.

Please review carefully the CAT plans comparison page for all the details.

How Many Licenses Do I Need? Examples

Testers are developing and manually running tests against data in both development and production versions of your systems.
=> You need no license, all is happening in non-autonomous mode.

A tester is developing tests, saving them to source control repository and runs them in a pipeline.
=> You need 1 license (one autonomous run) - you need either Business or Enterprise plan.

Two different teams are developing a software and use automated tests, independently of the other team.
=> You need 2 licenses, because it is not guaranteed, that two instances of CAT will not run at the same time. You need Enterprise plan.

In case of any doubts, please contact us using the “Get Help” button on the right side of this page.

How Do I Buy a License?

Please contact our sales - We’ll discuss the details with you (license agreement, invoice etc.).

What Happens When My License Expires?

CAT will revert to Personal plan.

You can still use CAT, but you’ll be limited in the number of tests that can be executed in a single run, and you will not be allowed to use CAT in autonomous mode.

OK, I Bought a License - What Next?

Please follow these instructions to apply your license key.